On October 1, 2011, Jack Bilow will visit the Chateaugay Historical Society Archive Room to give a talk and book signing of his newest publication: "A War of 1812 Death Register: Whispers in the Dark".
Jack has spent over seven years, many of these in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. researching the names of the men who served, were taken prisoner, wounded and died in the War of 1812 in Vermont, New York and along the Canadian Border. Focusing on the northern front of the war from Maine to Niagara he has included approximately 20,000 soldiers in this hardcover book of 552 pages including sixteen pages of illustrations, many unpublished until now. Over 1800 militia men from Vermont and 1400 from Essex, Franklin, and Clinton counties in New York who particiated in the Battle of Plattsburgh are listed.
The book is an excellent resource for those who are researching their North Country roots or are interested in military history. It would make a nice addition to any North Country collection.
Please join Jack Bilow and the Chateaugay Historical Society for an informative and entertaining morning at the Chateaugay Memorial Library from 9am to 12 am. Jack will give a talk at 11am and will have books available for signing from 9-12.