Please take note of these upcoming local history events in Franklin County:
Who Were the Fenians? and why did they want to invade Canada? Constable town historian Martha Gardner and renowned Chateauguay, Quebec writer/historian Robert McGee will compare facts and shrae stoires of this international crisis in its 140th anniversary year. Constable Adult Center, July 12 at 7pm. The public is invited. Contact Elaine Clary at 518-483-2461 for more information.
Historical Photo Exhibit of Chateaugay Lakes, including views of the old hotels, boats and areas of interest, as well as local memorabilia. July and August, Chateaugay Memorial Library, Mon.&Wed. 9am-6pm, Tues 9am-1pm and Sat. 9am-noon.
17th Annual Brighton History Days, Saturday and Sunday, July 21 and August 1, 1-5pm at the historic barn at Tucker Farms, 112 Hobart Rd., Gabriels, NY (1/2 mile from Rt. 86, west on Hobart Rd). History Days activities include history and family exhibits and wagon tours of Tucker Farm. Food is available for purchase to benefit the Paul Smiths-Gabriels Volunteer Fire Department. History days are free of charge; corn maze at same location is $6 ages 4-12, $8 adults, free under age 4. Persons wanting to contribute pictures or stories of life in Brighton, please contact Mary Ellen Salls at 518-327-3509 or Pat & Tom Willis at 518-327-3433.