Thursday, May 27, 2010

1926 Telephone Information and Advice

From the 1926 Directory of Malone (from the collection of the Franklin County Historical & Museum Society):
click to enlarge

Note these particular words of advice from the Northern New York Telephone Corporation:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fourth Grade Museum Day

For over 35 years, the Franklin County Historical & Museum Society has hosted 4th grade students from the schools in Franklin County for tours and hands-on history activities. One class of students from Chateaugay has posted pictures of their visit here and reported:
"Students in Mrs. Jones' fourth grade class went to the House of History in Malone on April 6th. The students were given a tour of the house and then completed a craft activity like those that might have been done in the late 1800s. The children learned many things about life in the 1860s. They were eager to learn and enjoyed listening to the stories that the volunteers at the House of History had to tell."

Saturday, May 15, 2010

NYS Hospital for the Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis

The NYS Hospital for the Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis, which was located at Raybrook, NY (Essex County) was originally slated to be built in Lake Clear (Franklin County), according to a 1900 State report.

By 1902, the proposed location had been changed to Raybrook, however.  An October 18, 1903 NY Times article assures that the location is ideal and the nearly completed buildings will be ready to receive patients at the beginning of 1904.   The hospital was closed in 1970.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Franklin County Poorhouse

Franklin County first operated a poor house in Malone in 1830, when the county supervisors rented a small farm.  The next year they appropriated $2000 to purchase a building, which burned in 1845 and was rebuilt.  The county replaced this smaller wood structure with a large brick and stone poorhouse 2 miles west of the center of the village, which collapsed after years of disuse in 2002.  Many readers will remember it as the "old county home." 

Franklin County statistics from 1823 from the NYS Annual Report of the State Board of Charities For the Year 1900:

click to enlarge

"This house is located about two miles from the village of Malone. The building is of wood, poorly constructed, and illy fitted for its present uses. It was originally a farm house, and in size 80 x 24 feet, two stories high. There is attached a farm of 110 acres, yielding a revenue of $1,500. The basements of the building are occupied for domestic purposes only. In the house are eighteen rooms or wards, well warmed by stoves, but without ventilation. From one to eight paupers are placed in a single room. The number of inmates was thirty-eight, fifteen males and twenty-three females. Of these twenty-eight are foreign, ten native born; nine are under sixteen years of age. The sexes are separated at night, but mingle together during the day. The average number of inmates is forty-eight, supported at an expense of thirty-one cents per week each, exclusive of the products of the farm. The paupers are employed, the men on the farm, the women about the house. It has been visited once during the year by the board of supervisors. They regulate the government of the house and the system of diet. The food of the paupers is of a plain and wholesome quality. The house is supplied with Bibles, but there is no regular religious instruction. A teacher of the common English branches was employed in the house for three months during last winter, but the children usually attend the district school. A physician is employed by the year at $28, and comes only when called. There are no facilities for bathing. One birth and two deaths have occurred during the last year. No contagious diseases have raged. Of the inmates seven are lunatics, three males and four females, all paupers, none are reported improved or cured. But one is constantly confined, and he in a cell. They are restrained by confinement, and sometimes handcuffs, shackles, and the straight jacket are used. Two have been admitted within the year. They receive no medical or other attendance, nor does the house permit classification. The superintendents usually discharge the insane; sometimes the power is exercised by the keeper. Two of the paupers are blind, four idiots--two male, two female. The keeper reports nine-tenths of the paupers as here by reason of intemperance and its effects. There is here a poor cripple, almost idiotic, whose limbs are drawn up and under him in strange contortions, and his tongue paralyzed by the disease. He can wear no garments but a loose shirt. The unnatural parents were committed to prison, and the child sent to this house.  The hospital department of the house is wretched, and the nursing and medical attendance inadequate. The general appearance of the establishment however is good, and the rooms are particularly neat and clean."

From the 1901 Meigs & Hadley insurance agents policy book (Franklin County Historical & Museum Society collection, 1975.60):

From the 1870  NYS Code relating to the Poor, p.127:

The April 13, 1879 New York Times reprinted a short article from the Penn Monthly quoting facts from a report of the horrific conditions under which the insane in NYS poorhouses suffered.  The writer colorfully introduced the subject thusly:
"Since the days that the curse of slavery was wiped off the land, no subject so full of horrors was ever afforded to human pen.  There is no standard of misery by thich this can be measured.  The wretchedness of these poor creatures seems a realization of a Dantesque ideal."
The most mild of the poorhouses listed, "in Franklin County, two or three sleep on straw without other bedding.  In the day-time the sexes mix as they please.  They have no change of undergarments."

However, the 1/10/1925 Adirondack News reported favorable aspects of the recent NYS Board of Charities inspectors' report: 
"A significant feature of the report is that recent admissions have been confined to old and decrepit persons, and that the younger type of alcoholics is no longer present.  It says:  'Administrative conditions as to cleanliness and care of inmates are excellent.  The institution has a home-like atmosphere.  The relation of employees to inmates seems considerate, reflecting well-regulated local supervision.'"
-  Seaver, F. (1918) Historical Sketches of Franklin County.  Pp 78-79.
Herald and Adirondack Mt. Press, Tupper Lake, 9/22/1927
Poorhouse History website

1901 Village of Saranac Lake

From the Meigs & Hadley insurance book, ca. 1901 (from the collection of the Franklin County Historical & Museum Society (1975.60):
Village of Saranac Lake

click to enlarge

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chateaugay Historical Society events

The Chateaugay Historical Society events and open hours:

- Photo exhibit of Main Street (Chat.) now on display at the Chateaugay Memorial Library
- Chateaugay Historical Society Archival Room (located in Chat. Memorial Library) is now open for visitors and genealogy researchers Wednesdays 1-4pm and Saturdays 9am-12noon through October, and by appointment.
- "Internet Genealogy: Finding your ancestors on the web" Worshop at the Chateaugay Memorial Library on June 26, 10am-12:30pm. No fee to attend, but please RSVP to Mary Humiston at 497-6685.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Malone businesses in 1909 and 1920

The Franklin County Historical & Museum Society has in its collection two Malone business directories, one published in 1909 and one published in 1920.  These booklets feature narrative descriptions of Malone businesses, often with photos or line drawings of storefronts and factories. 


click to enlarge


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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

North Country Digital History Project

The Northern New York Library Network's North Country Digital History Project has a great new look.
This collaborative effort to make historic images from different repositories throughout the North Country available online is a wonderful resource for students, teachers, North Country residents and history buffs. 
Check it out:

Courtesy  Goff-Nelson Memorial Library, Tupper Lake, NY, obtained from